Trinity 10 August 8, 2021
Jeremiah 7:1-11
Abominable Worship
v.9-10 Will you steal, murder, commit adultery, swear falsely, make offerings to Baal, and go after other gods that you have not known, and then come and stand before me in this house, which is called by name, and say, "We are delivered!"--only to go on doing all these abominations?
Dear friends in Christ, the prophet Jeremiah had a problem--a big problem. The Lord God of Israel told him in no uncertain terms that he needed to preach to the people of Judah. That he needed to go right up to the temple gates--the church doors!--and deliver one of the most harsh and scathing rebukes of any prophet. And this to a people who already had a history of killing the prophets whose words they didn’t care for.
You see, the people of Judah had been engaging in all sorts of abominable activities in their daily lives: stealing, murder, adultery, lying, and even worship of false gods like Baal. To make matters worse, after engaging in these sinful and horrendous activities, they would nonchalantly come to the temple to worship like it was no big deal. The hypocrisy was evident. The stench of it rose up to heaven and angered the Lord of hosts. For He knows all--He sees all--and He cannot abide false and abominable worship. The type of worshiper who trusts in deceptive words of false prophets, who believes they can get away with anything and the Lord will not hold them accountable. Who with one breath utter praise and worship to Baal, and then in the next offer up a psalm of praise to Yahweh. These people would learn the hard way that the Almighty God was not appeased by such abominable and hypocritical worship. Indeed, He would wipe away the very temple in which they trusted and would slaughter many of the people, and lead the rest into captivity in the far away land of Babylon.
We see this theme of false worship throughout all three of our texts for today. Those Christians who would claim that it matters not how or who or what we worship that really matters need to take note. Fore herein are some of the harshest words in all of Scripture. Condemnation from God is never far away from those who falsely worship the most Holy God.
We see in our text from Jeremiah that right doctrine/theology/worship goes hand in hand with right practices and living. Those who were engaging in false worship were also oppressing the sojourner of the land, the fatherless, and the widow, neglecting justice and truth. God commands them through Jeremiah to repent: "Amend your ways and your deeds, and I will let you dwell in this place. Do not trust in these deceptive words: 'This is the temple of the Lord, the temple of the Lord, the temple of the Lord.'"
So, we see that the Jews of Jeremiah's day had an even bigger problem. For Judah was full of vice and idolatry--they slew the prophets--oppressed the people--broke God's holy Law--and yet refused to be rebuked for their unbelief and behaviour. But before we get any further, dear friends, before we quickly thank God that we are not like the Jews of Jeremiah's day, let us shine the bright light of God's holy Law upon our own hearts and activities and examine our worship and life.
For we, too, share in this problem. How often have we turned a blind eye to oppression and hatred in our own communities. We are having our eyes opened to the harsh reality of the evil done in the First Nations Residential School systems. We have failed to work as we ought to speak out for the unborn, the aged, and infirm. We fail to uphold the true meaning of marriage when someone we care about and love lets us know that they are marrying someone of the same sex. We grow quiet and scared, or we smile and nod and rejoice with them, failing to love them by calling them to repentance, thinking to ourselves, "Did God really say…?" We have all fallen victim to the false idol of politics--thinking to ourselves that if only the right person or party is elected--if only the government would get its act together--then all would be good and wonderful--failing to trust in the Lord God above all things and in His Word of promise and hope given to us in Jesus Christ. For all this and so much more we must repent.
For we continue in our sin by failing to love God and neighbour as we ought. We steal from our employers, we are harsh with our employees, we are proud and arrogant Christians, and look down our noses at those whose theology is not so robust. And what's worse is that we think nothing of these things when we walk into the Lord's house. We humbly bow our heads and pray, we sing the songs with gusto, and then we walk out these doors and do it all over again! Lord, have mercy upon us!
You cannot hide from the Lord. He sees all--your actions, your words, even the deepest, darkest secrets of your heart. He knows it all. He knows the abominable condition of your heart and of your worship and life. For all this and so much more you are guilty before the Lord, just as Judah was in Jeremiah's day.
What then is your hope? What is the cure for your hypocritical and abominable false worship of the Lord? That alone which can cover your sins--blot them out from the Lord's sight forever--the holy blood of Jesus Christ. He is the God-Man--the very Lamb of God who came to take away the sins of the world, including that of our false worship of unholy living. Trust not in the physical building, but in Jesus who is the very temple of the Lord made flesh. Who allowed His body to be torn down on the cross on Good Friday, but who rebuilt it in the resurrection just three days later!
Jesus' worship was always pure and holy. His zeal led Him to cleanse the temple by casting out the thieves and robbers who had made their home in His house. And Jesus' zeal for you is no less intense. His love led Him to the cross whereby He suffered the full wrath and fury of God for all of your sin. Hell was unleashed upon the innocent flesh of Jesus--for you. Your sins of thought, word, and deed were transferred to Him, and by faith His purity, His holiness, His righteousness is given to you and to all who believe.
For the innocent One's blood was shed on Calvary's cross to break the curse of sin, death, and the devil over you. By Christ's suffering and death all of your sin is forgiven. All of your deeds are cleansed and made pure and holy. Now when the Lord God Almighty, Judge of all the universe, looks upon you, He does not see the great filth and contamination of your guilt and sin. Instead, He sees only the pure and blessed holiness and righteousness of His beloved Son. His own Spirit now moves you to worship in sincerity and truth and to live out your lives in His love and grace by showing mercy to your neighbours in all your vocations.
Trust not in the deceptive words of false prophets who would confirm you in your sin and unrighteousness. Rather, trust in the true Word of God that fully condemns you and your sin, justly, but also gives you the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Trust in the words of Jesus who declares to you this day, through the mouth of a sinful man, "Your sins are forgiven in the name of the Father, and of the + Son, and of the Holy Spirit." Trust the Word of God who baptized you into the same triune name to wash you clean of all your sin and to give you eternal life and salvation through Jesus. And trust the Words of Jesus to you this day, "Take, eat, this is my body, given for you. Take, drink, this is my blood, shed for you for the forgiveness of all your sins."
As you grow and trust in these words of Jesus--you are truly delivered. By the power of His cross and resurrection. That is the truest and most holy worship of God: repenting of your sin and trusting in Jesus to forgive that sin. For He truly is the temple of the Lord, the temple of the Lord, the temple of the Lord. And by trusting in Him you are delivered. Thanks be to God in Christ Jesus. Amen.
Jeremiah 7:1-11
Abominable Worship
v.9-10 Will you steal, murder, commit adultery, swear falsely, make offerings to Baal, and go after other gods that you have not known, and then come and stand before me in this house, which is called by name, and say, "We are delivered!"--only to go on doing all these abominations?
Dear friends in Christ, the prophet Jeremiah had a problem--a big problem. The Lord God of Israel told him in no uncertain terms that he needed to preach to the people of Judah. That he needed to go right up to the temple gates--the church doors!--and deliver one of the most harsh and scathing rebukes of any prophet. And this to a people who already had a history of killing the prophets whose words they didn’t care for.
You see, the people of Judah had been engaging in all sorts of abominable activities in their daily lives: stealing, murder, adultery, lying, and even worship of false gods like Baal. To make matters worse, after engaging in these sinful and horrendous activities, they would nonchalantly come to the temple to worship like it was no big deal. The hypocrisy was evident. The stench of it rose up to heaven and angered the Lord of hosts. For He knows all--He sees all--and He cannot abide false and abominable worship. The type of worshiper who trusts in deceptive words of false prophets, who believes they can get away with anything and the Lord will not hold them accountable. Who with one breath utter praise and worship to Baal, and then in the next offer up a psalm of praise to Yahweh. These people would learn the hard way that the Almighty God was not appeased by such abominable and hypocritical worship. Indeed, He would wipe away the very temple in which they trusted and would slaughter many of the people, and lead the rest into captivity in the far away land of Babylon.
We see this theme of false worship throughout all three of our texts for today. Those Christians who would claim that it matters not how or who or what we worship that really matters need to take note. Fore herein are some of the harshest words in all of Scripture. Condemnation from God is never far away from those who falsely worship the most Holy God.
We see in our text from Jeremiah that right doctrine/theology/worship goes hand in hand with right practices and living. Those who were engaging in false worship were also oppressing the sojourner of the land, the fatherless, and the widow, neglecting justice and truth. God commands them through Jeremiah to repent: "Amend your ways and your deeds, and I will let you dwell in this place. Do not trust in these deceptive words: 'This is the temple of the Lord, the temple of the Lord, the temple of the Lord.'"
So, we see that the Jews of Jeremiah's day had an even bigger problem. For Judah was full of vice and idolatry--they slew the prophets--oppressed the people--broke God's holy Law--and yet refused to be rebuked for their unbelief and behaviour. But before we get any further, dear friends, before we quickly thank God that we are not like the Jews of Jeremiah's day, let us shine the bright light of God's holy Law upon our own hearts and activities and examine our worship and life.
For we, too, share in this problem. How often have we turned a blind eye to oppression and hatred in our own communities. We are having our eyes opened to the harsh reality of the evil done in the First Nations Residential School systems. We have failed to work as we ought to speak out for the unborn, the aged, and infirm. We fail to uphold the true meaning of marriage when someone we care about and love lets us know that they are marrying someone of the same sex. We grow quiet and scared, or we smile and nod and rejoice with them, failing to love them by calling them to repentance, thinking to ourselves, "Did God really say…?" We have all fallen victim to the false idol of politics--thinking to ourselves that if only the right person or party is elected--if only the government would get its act together--then all would be good and wonderful--failing to trust in the Lord God above all things and in His Word of promise and hope given to us in Jesus Christ. For all this and so much more we must repent.
For we continue in our sin by failing to love God and neighbour as we ought. We steal from our employers, we are harsh with our employees, we are proud and arrogant Christians, and look down our noses at those whose theology is not so robust. And what's worse is that we think nothing of these things when we walk into the Lord's house. We humbly bow our heads and pray, we sing the songs with gusto, and then we walk out these doors and do it all over again! Lord, have mercy upon us!
You cannot hide from the Lord. He sees all--your actions, your words, even the deepest, darkest secrets of your heart. He knows it all. He knows the abominable condition of your heart and of your worship and life. For all this and so much more you are guilty before the Lord, just as Judah was in Jeremiah's day.
What then is your hope? What is the cure for your hypocritical and abominable false worship of the Lord? That alone which can cover your sins--blot them out from the Lord's sight forever--the holy blood of Jesus Christ. He is the God-Man--the very Lamb of God who came to take away the sins of the world, including that of our false worship of unholy living. Trust not in the physical building, but in Jesus who is the very temple of the Lord made flesh. Who allowed His body to be torn down on the cross on Good Friday, but who rebuilt it in the resurrection just three days later!
Jesus' worship was always pure and holy. His zeal led Him to cleanse the temple by casting out the thieves and robbers who had made their home in His house. And Jesus' zeal for you is no less intense. His love led Him to the cross whereby He suffered the full wrath and fury of God for all of your sin. Hell was unleashed upon the innocent flesh of Jesus--for you. Your sins of thought, word, and deed were transferred to Him, and by faith His purity, His holiness, His righteousness is given to you and to all who believe.
For the innocent One's blood was shed on Calvary's cross to break the curse of sin, death, and the devil over you. By Christ's suffering and death all of your sin is forgiven. All of your deeds are cleansed and made pure and holy. Now when the Lord God Almighty, Judge of all the universe, looks upon you, He does not see the great filth and contamination of your guilt and sin. Instead, He sees only the pure and blessed holiness and righteousness of His beloved Son. His own Spirit now moves you to worship in sincerity and truth and to live out your lives in His love and grace by showing mercy to your neighbours in all your vocations.
Trust not in the deceptive words of false prophets who would confirm you in your sin and unrighteousness. Rather, trust in the true Word of God that fully condemns you and your sin, justly, but also gives you the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Trust in the words of Jesus who declares to you this day, through the mouth of a sinful man, "Your sins are forgiven in the name of the Father, and of the + Son, and of the Holy Spirit." Trust the Word of God who baptized you into the same triune name to wash you clean of all your sin and to give you eternal life and salvation through Jesus. And trust the Words of Jesus to you this day, "Take, eat, this is my body, given for you. Take, drink, this is my blood, shed for you for the forgiveness of all your sins."
As you grow and trust in these words of Jesus--you are truly delivered. By the power of His cross and resurrection. That is the truest and most holy worship of God: repenting of your sin and trusting in Jesus to forgive that sin. For He truly is the temple of the Lord, the temple of the Lord, the temple of the Lord. And by trusting in Him you are delivered. Thanks be to God in Christ Jesus. Amen.