Trinity 15 September 17, 2023 Matthew 6:24-34 Anxious! Who…Me? v.25 Therefore I tell you, do not be anxious about your life, what you will eat or what you will drink, nor about your body, what you will put on. Is not life more than food, and the body more than clothing? Dear friends in Christ, today's Gospel reading focuses on a very important theme that each of us deals with on a daily basis--anxiety…worry. Now, I’m not talking about clinical anxiety, which is often caused by an imbalance of chemicals in our brain that needs to be adjusted with due medical attention and care. Nor the kind of debilitating anxiety and depression that requires proper psychological care. But rather, that kind of worry and anxiety that is commonplace to us all. That which niggles in the back of our minds, perhaps causing sleepless nights or indigestion. Our text occurs as Jesus' great Sermon on the Mount is winding down. He talked about prayer and how we are to use God's good gifts wisely in service to Him and His kingdom. What is the major source of worry for most people? Well, as in Jesus' day, so today--money. But herein Jesus warns us that we cannot have two masters--we cannot serve both God and money. Only one master may rule our heart and it must be the Lord. Yet, due to the weakness of our sinful flesh, we pursue money and wealth and power so as to secure for ourselves the necessities of 2 life and a comfortable future. We worry about these things--constantly anxious--and for this, Jesus calls us to repent. For by anxiously worrying about our future and life, we betray that our hearts are not set on God--that we are not trusting in Him to provide for us in all situations--that we seek to be in control and secure life for ourselves. This is a fruitless task, Jesus says, and then directs our attention to common things: birds and flowers. Lowly creations of God, indeed. Birds are a dime a dozen, as it were, and flowers, well they grow in wild abundance. Now birds don't plan for the future. They don't sow crops and reap a harvest or store their food in barns, but God feeds them. Furthermore, look at the wondrous beauty of the Lilies. They clothe the grass in gorgeous raiment--outshining even King Solomon in all of his splendour and majesty. Yet, the grass is here today and gone tomorrow. Now, ask yourselves, are you not of more value than a bird or flower? Of course you are! Then why do you worry? You cannot add a single hour to your span of life through your worry, so what is the point? Our anxiety over our everyday lives is an indication of our lack of faith and trust in our heavenly Father to provide for us in all things. Just note how so many people are worried about the end of the world (be it through the collapse of the environment or the “wrong” political entity taking 3 power). Yet, I have one suggestion for those so intent on trying to determine when/how the end of the world will occur. Don't. Read your Bible. Jesus says no one knows the Day nor the Hour of the End. No one. That's it. Leave it. Really, if we want something to worry about, there is no shortage of real problems: continuing war in Ukraine with Russia; natural disasters like hurricanes and wildfires; health of family and friends; and even the faith of our children and grandchildren. We desire peace, security, food, drink, clothing, and shelter--the basic necessities of life and so much more. Yet our Lord says, "the Gentiles seek after all these things, and your heavenly Father knows that you need them all. But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things will be added to you." Now these things are important. Indeed, we pray for them in the Lord’s Prayer, “Give us this day our daily bread.” Without food, drink, and clothing we die--and rather quickly. This is why it is so important for us to support aid organizations to help people who are in need of these items, like hurricane and wild fire victims. Nor is Jesus saying, "Don't get a job…or don't go grocery shopping or clothes shopping." No. What Jesus is telling us here is to be aware of these cares/concerns for life turning into unwholesome anxiety when we imagine that we can secure our future by our worry. That is just silly and dumb. "Which of you by being anxious can add a single hour to his span of life?" 4 You need not worry because God your Father knows your needs better than you do! He promises to care and provide for you. To be sure, not all of your desires will come true. For God will answer your prayers in accordance with His wisdom and grace. True peace, true contentment, not being anxious for tomorrow, comes by seeking first the kingdom of God and His righteousness. For God has come to you in Christ Jesus. He is the necessity of your life. By His blood shed on the cross in your place for your sins, God has secured for you a life that is everlasting. Jesus is your past, present, and future. In Him you are secure. For His life was given up into death to give you life. Jesus' cross frees you from anxiety and the burdens and cares of this life. As St. Paul writes, "What then shall we say to these things? If God is for us, who can be against us? He who did not spare His own Son but gave Him up for us all, how will He not also with Him graciously give us all things?" God, in Christ, is for you. He promises to be with you and to provide for you. Indeed, the Lord God feeds you with the holy and precious body and blood of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins. This gift comes to you in simple bread and wine that you receive with joy and thanksgiving. This holy meal provides a life for you that is eternal, with a joy that will know no end. You are fed the richness of God's mercies in Christ each time you humbly come before this altar and every time you hear His blessed Word of Absolution proclaimed into your 5 ears. For you know that here and now, God's kingdom has come to you. A kingdom of peace, love, and joy. A kingdom of fulfillment in the presence of God Almighty. Lest you be concerned about what you wear, God has clothed you in the robe of the righteousness of His own beloved Son. At your Baptism, the Lord God washed you clean of your sin and then covered you in the righteousness of Jesus Christ. A righteousness earned by His sacrifice on the cross. All the saints wash their robes and make them white in the blood of the Lamb of God who came to take away the sins of the world. This robe covers your iniquity, your guilt, and your shame and takes it all away, leaving you pure and spotless like the Lamb who died for you. So, beloved, having been fed and clothed by the Lord, in His kingdom of grace, you need not be anxious about anything. You are being cared for by the Lord God Almighty who has brought you into His family as His dear children. Trusting in the words and promises of Jesus, you may now rejoice in all of God's gifts to you, knowing that you are forgiven, redeemed, and that you have a life that will never end--due to a righteousness that is not your own. Thanks be to God in Christ Jesus. Amen