Holy Thursday April 1st, 2021
1 Corinthians 1:18-25
“Welcome to the Feast of Fools”
v.25 For the foolishness of God is wiser than men, and the weakness of God is stronger than men.
Dear friends in Christ, I’m sure that throughout your years in the church you have had some good times—and some bad times. And I’ll bet that at one time or another some of your friends, when they found out what it is that you do on Sunday mornings, probably were quite surprised that you would spend so much time on such a seemingly ridiculous task. Perhaps you have even thought so yourself from time to time. What’s the point of all this? It seems rather foolish don’t you think – to lose sleep every Sunday morning coming to church and studying God’s Word – the high point at which you get to come forward to receive a thin piece of flat bread and a tiny amount of wine?—and to do so in a pandemic—to gather with other people who are not your immediately family—it seems incredibly foolish! And you wouldn’t be the first.
Christians have always been called “fools” by the world at large for their beliefs and practices founded on that dusty old book called the Bible. We are fools, they say, for studying this book – for believing that what it teaches and what it says – is the inspired and true Word of God in its entirety – with no errors! What a crazy claim that is! And those who believe it must be crazier still.
The church is constantly under attack by those who oppose her – Satan and the world itself. We are told we are being foolish to spend one precious morning of our all-too-short weekends going to church – to listen to the preached Word of God—to hear the forgiveness of sins proclaimed to us in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit by some guy wearing an odd robe. What a waste of a perfectly good morning that could better be spent sleeping, watching TV, playing sports, or just lounging around relaxing. Rather foolish, indeed.
Indeed, we as Christians believe some pretty silly things when you look at it from the world’s perspective – you can certainly see where they’re coming from. We believe that water poured on a person’s head while someone says in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit actually does something – rather than mess up their hair – that it actually forgives them—cleanses them from all sin—brings them into the family of God—and creates a new person in Christ through the working of the Holy Spirit.
We believe that not only is there life after death, but that there is nothing you can do to get yourself there—simply receive the free gift of God in Jesus—and you will live forever in heaven and on the Last Day your body will be raised from its sleep of death and your body and soul will be reunited to live forever with Christ. And if that isn’t foolish enough – we believe that a thin wafer of flat bread and a tiny amount of wine are actually joined with Christ’s body and blood, which we take and eat with our very mouths—not just for a mid-service snack time—but for the forgiveness of sins. That through this sacrament that Jesus instituted on the night in which He was betrayed, which we remember with solemn joy this April Fool’s Day—something is going on beyond our understanding—Christ comes to us with His own body and blood to restore, strengthen, and breathe new life into us—week after week after week! Truly, a feast of fools! Welcome!!
But if that isn’t enough. Christians believe something entirely more ludicrous than all of that combined—that an actual historical event of almost 2000 years ago—where a man was publicly executed as a criminal by the government—is and always will remain—the most important event in the life of the Christian and the whole world. For we believe that this weak, ordinary man, who was beaten, shamefully nailed to a cross and crucified, died and was buried—is none other than God Himself in human flesh—and that He rose again three days later to bring forgiveness, freedom from sin, death, and hell—to all who believe!
How absolutely ludicrous – why it’s ridiculous – insane even – from the perspective of the world. “For the word of the cross is foolishness to those who are being destroyed, but to us who are being saved it is the power of God" (v.18). The world, like the Jews and Greeks of Paul’s day, looked for great and powerful signs and wonders, as well as great wisdom and learning – something that makes sense. God becoming man and being nailed to a cross in shame and weakness most certainly is not a powerful sign, nor does it make a whole lot of sense.
Why does anyone believe? Why do you believe? Is it simply because of tradition? Because your family has always gone to church and it is expected of you so you better believe. No, it’s got to be more than that. But it is indeed a mystery. For with mankind this miracle of faith is impossible—but with God all things are possible.
You gather for worship each week, not because your parents forced you to church while growing up (well, maybe just a little), not because of tradition, not even because we can make perfect sense out of everything. No, you go to church because of the great miracle that God has worked in your life. Through things that appear to be nothing but foolish nonsense to the world, God has brought you into His kingdom. He has first prepared your soul to receive the powerful seed of faith in the waters of Baptism – whereby He poured out His grace upon you—washing you in His own holy name with blood shed by His Son Jesus on the cross—forgiving you all of your sins—not just then and there—but for all eternity.
And God has continued to work through seemingly silly means to sustain that faith throughout your life thus far. He worked through parents, teachers, grandparents, pastors, friends and family, to share with you the importance of God’s Word—to bring you to church to hear His Gospel and have His Holy Spirit work on you through the announcement of His grace and mercy poured out upon all sinners—even you!
And God works through the Holy Supper that we celebrate this evening—that our Lord took such great pains to institute—and that continues to work in us His powerful forgiveness and grace—that most mysterious Feast of Fools—wherein you will receive this evening your crucified and risen Lord’s body and blood, in with, and under bread and wine—for the forgiveness of your sins—to further strengthen you in the one true faith—joining you with all believers across time and space. Foolish? No doubt! True? You bet!!
You are here, as are all who are part of God’s holy church, through nothing of your own doing, nothing of your own merit or worthiness, but solely through the folly of God (preached and visible Word and Sacraments) that has created and sustained faith within you—it is all His doing! Which is why we can trust it so readily—so completely!! If it had anything to do with us—our faith and salvation would always be in doubt—but as it has everything to do with God—who has never gone back on His Word of promise—no matter how foolish it may seem to us—we have utmost confidence and peace.
“For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, declares the Lord. For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts. For as the rain and the snow come down from heaven and do not return there but water the earth, making it bring forth and sprout, giving seed to the sower and bread to the eater, so shall my word be that goes out from my mouth; it shall not return to me empty, but it shall accomplish that which I purpose, and shall succeed in the thing for which I sent it.”
That word that has gone forth from the mouth of God is the Word of Christ Jesus. He who has taken on human flesh for you—lived perfectly according to God’s holy law for you—died on the cross to take away your sin—and was raised to everlasting life—all for you—has accomplished His mission. He has taken the place of all sinful humanity and paid the price for our sin—He has sent His Spirit among us to work through incredibly mundane and seemingly foolish things—like the Holy Supper—to bring people into His church—and to keep them there.
God has done so in weakness—in the weakness of the dead body of His Son on the cross. He has done so in the weakness of water and Word, bread and wine and Word—all to bring the most wonderful gifts of forgiveness, life, and salvation to all people. Which is why we celebrate this day when Christ first instituted that most blessed Sacrament. For in this Supper Jesus comes to you and gives you His holy body and blood so that you may be fully forgiven for your sin. In this sacrament He feeds you and nourishes you with all that you need to everlasting life. Whatever you have done—wherever you have gone—know that at this table the Lord welcomes you to feast on His very own body and blood—so that you may be wiped clean of all guilt and stain of sin and death. In this sacrament wherein we receive Jesus’ own sacrificed body and blood—given in death for us on the cross—we rejoice in the life that He gives to us. For His body and blood is the richest and best food of all—the fruit of which grants everlasting life to all who believe.
It is a great joy to see how God has worked through so many foolish means—even foolish people—to keep you secure in His church—wrapping you forever in His grace and mercy. You will face trials in your life. You will face doubts and questions concerning the faith that you know and believe to be true—sometimes the foolishness of it all will get the better of you as Satan and the world whisper their lies in your ear.
Yet trust in the mercy of God Almighty. Do not give up coming to His house to hear His Word and receive His Sacrament. These seemingly pitiful means of grace are His sure source of forgiveness, life, and salvation—they are the food that enrich your soul with renewal and peace and hope. When you are weak remember that God’s strength is made perfect in weakness and God’s weakness is stronger than people, just as His “foolishness” is wiser than the wisdom of men. He will support you and uphold you. He will deliver you from all harm and evil – and bring you into His kingdom to life everlasting—by welcoming you to the Feast of Fools. Thanks be to God who chose such foolish things of this world to save the foolish ones of this world. Amen.
1 Corinthians 1:18-25
“Welcome to the Feast of Fools”
v.25 For the foolishness of God is wiser than men, and the weakness of God is stronger than men.
Dear friends in Christ, I’m sure that throughout your years in the church you have had some good times—and some bad times. And I’ll bet that at one time or another some of your friends, when they found out what it is that you do on Sunday mornings, probably were quite surprised that you would spend so much time on such a seemingly ridiculous task. Perhaps you have even thought so yourself from time to time. What’s the point of all this? It seems rather foolish don’t you think – to lose sleep every Sunday morning coming to church and studying God’s Word – the high point at which you get to come forward to receive a thin piece of flat bread and a tiny amount of wine?—and to do so in a pandemic—to gather with other people who are not your immediately family—it seems incredibly foolish! And you wouldn’t be the first.
Christians have always been called “fools” by the world at large for their beliefs and practices founded on that dusty old book called the Bible. We are fools, they say, for studying this book – for believing that what it teaches and what it says – is the inspired and true Word of God in its entirety – with no errors! What a crazy claim that is! And those who believe it must be crazier still.
The church is constantly under attack by those who oppose her – Satan and the world itself. We are told we are being foolish to spend one precious morning of our all-too-short weekends going to church – to listen to the preached Word of God—to hear the forgiveness of sins proclaimed to us in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit by some guy wearing an odd robe. What a waste of a perfectly good morning that could better be spent sleeping, watching TV, playing sports, or just lounging around relaxing. Rather foolish, indeed.
Indeed, we as Christians believe some pretty silly things when you look at it from the world’s perspective – you can certainly see where they’re coming from. We believe that water poured on a person’s head while someone says in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit actually does something – rather than mess up their hair – that it actually forgives them—cleanses them from all sin—brings them into the family of God—and creates a new person in Christ through the working of the Holy Spirit.
We believe that not only is there life after death, but that there is nothing you can do to get yourself there—simply receive the free gift of God in Jesus—and you will live forever in heaven and on the Last Day your body will be raised from its sleep of death and your body and soul will be reunited to live forever with Christ. And if that isn’t foolish enough – we believe that a thin wafer of flat bread and a tiny amount of wine are actually joined with Christ’s body and blood, which we take and eat with our very mouths—not just for a mid-service snack time—but for the forgiveness of sins. That through this sacrament that Jesus instituted on the night in which He was betrayed, which we remember with solemn joy this April Fool’s Day—something is going on beyond our understanding—Christ comes to us with His own body and blood to restore, strengthen, and breathe new life into us—week after week after week! Truly, a feast of fools! Welcome!!
But if that isn’t enough. Christians believe something entirely more ludicrous than all of that combined—that an actual historical event of almost 2000 years ago—where a man was publicly executed as a criminal by the government—is and always will remain—the most important event in the life of the Christian and the whole world. For we believe that this weak, ordinary man, who was beaten, shamefully nailed to a cross and crucified, died and was buried—is none other than God Himself in human flesh—and that He rose again three days later to bring forgiveness, freedom from sin, death, and hell—to all who believe!
How absolutely ludicrous – why it’s ridiculous – insane even – from the perspective of the world. “For the word of the cross is foolishness to those who are being destroyed, but to us who are being saved it is the power of God" (v.18). The world, like the Jews and Greeks of Paul’s day, looked for great and powerful signs and wonders, as well as great wisdom and learning – something that makes sense. God becoming man and being nailed to a cross in shame and weakness most certainly is not a powerful sign, nor does it make a whole lot of sense.
Why does anyone believe? Why do you believe? Is it simply because of tradition? Because your family has always gone to church and it is expected of you so you better believe. No, it’s got to be more than that. But it is indeed a mystery. For with mankind this miracle of faith is impossible—but with God all things are possible.
You gather for worship each week, not because your parents forced you to church while growing up (well, maybe just a little), not because of tradition, not even because we can make perfect sense out of everything. No, you go to church because of the great miracle that God has worked in your life. Through things that appear to be nothing but foolish nonsense to the world, God has brought you into His kingdom. He has first prepared your soul to receive the powerful seed of faith in the waters of Baptism – whereby He poured out His grace upon you—washing you in His own holy name with blood shed by His Son Jesus on the cross—forgiving you all of your sins—not just then and there—but for all eternity.
And God has continued to work through seemingly silly means to sustain that faith throughout your life thus far. He worked through parents, teachers, grandparents, pastors, friends and family, to share with you the importance of God’s Word—to bring you to church to hear His Gospel and have His Holy Spirit work on you through the announcement of His grace and mercy poured out upon all sinners—even you!
And God works through the Holy Supper that we celebrate this evening—that our Lord took such great pains to institute—and that continues to work in us His powerful forgiveness and grace—that most mysterious Feast of Fools—wherein you will receive this evening your crucified and risen Lord’s body and blood, in with, and under bread and wine—for the forgiveness of your sins—to further strengthen you in the one true faith—joining you with all believers across time and space. Foolish? No doubt! True? You bet!!
You are here, as are all who are part of God’s holy church, through nothing of your own doing, nothing of your own merit or worthiness, but solely through the folly of God (preached and visible Word and Sacraments) that has created and sustained faith within you—it is all His doing! Which is why we can trust it so readily—so completely!! If it had anything to do with us—our faith and salvation would always be in doubt—but as it has everything to do with God—who has never gone back on His Word of promise—no matter how foolish it may seem to us—we have utmost confidence and peace.
“For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, declares the Lord. For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts. For as the rain and the snow come down from heaven and do not return there but water the earth, making it bring forth and sprout, giving seed to the sower and bread to the eater, so shall my word be that goes out from my mouth; it shall not return to me empty, but it shall accomplish that which I purpose, and shall succeed in the thing for which I sent it.”
That word that has gone forth from the mouth of God is the Word of Christ Jesus. He who has taken on human flesh for you—lived perfectly according to God’s holy law for you—died on the cross to take away your sin—and was raised to everlasting life—all for you—has accomplished His mission. He has taken the place of all sinful humanity and paid the price for our sin—He has sent His Spirit among us to work through incredibly mundane and seemingly foolish things—like the Holy Supper—to bring people into His church—and to keep them there.
God has done so in weakness—in the weakness of the dead body of His Son on the cross. He has done so in the weakness of water and Word, bread and wine and Word—all to bring the most wonderful gifts of forgiveness, life, and salvation to all people. Which is why we celebrate this day when Christ first instituted that most blessed Sacrament. For in this Supper Jesus comes to you and gives you His holy body and blood so that you may be fully forgiven for your sin. In this sacrament He feeds you and nourishes you with all that you need to everlasting life. Whatever you have done—wherever you have gone—know that at this table the Lord welcomes you to feast on His very own body and blood—so that you may be wiped clean of all guilt and stain of sin and death. In this sacrament wherein we receive Jesus’ own sacrificed body and blood—given in death for us on the cross—we rejoice in the life that He gives to us. For His body and blood is the richest and best food of all—the fruit of which grants everlasting life to all who believe.
It is a great joy to see how God has worked through so many foolish means—even foolish people—to keep you secure in His church—wrapping you forever in His grace and mercy. You will face trials in your life. You will face doubts and questions concerning the faith that you know and believe to be true—sometimes the foolishness of it all will get the better of you as Satan and the world whisper their lies in your ear.
Yet trust in the mercy of God Almighty. Do not give up coming to His house to hear His Word and receive His Sacrament. These seemingly pitiful means of grace are His sure source of forgiveness, life, and salvation—they are the food that enrich your soul with renewal and peace and hope. When you are weak remember that God’s strength is made perfect in weakness and God’s weakness is stronger than people, just as His “foolishness” is wiser than the wisdom of men. He will support you and uphold you. He will deliver you from all harm and evil – and bring you into His kingdom to life everlasting—by welcoming you to the Feast of Fools. Thanks be to God who chose such foolish things of this world to save the foolish ones of this world. Amen.